



The program prepares non-teacher certificate students for health-related roles in community, medical, workplace and university 设置. 学生学会评估个人 and community needs as well as plan and implement health 教育-related programs 和服务.


  • 社区 health or public health educator
  • 公园及康乐事务管理员
  • 医药销售人员
  • 健康中心主任
  • 田径教练


Health Major Prepares 学生 for a Variety of Careers


What she learned majoring in health at the 十大彩票网投平台 set up Amelia Stephenson for both a career and a beneficial lifestyle.

“Going to South with the major that I did opened up my eyes to seeing that being healthy goes beyond just exercising and eating right,” she said.

South’s department of health, kinesiology and sport offers three Bachelor of Science 健康学位. Two are designed for elementary or 二次 school teachers. 斯蒂芬森的 major, focusing on health promotion, is for those who want to work in health and wellness 教室外.

Stephenson came to South from Prattville, Alabama, just north of Montgomery. 她扮演了 clarinet in the Jaguar Marching Band for a semester, then served as student manager of the soccer team the rest of her time at South. 除此之外,她还分析了 energy expenditure data from the GPS trackers the players wore (high school knee injuries 阻碍了她自己的足球生涯).


“Going to South with the major that I did opened up my eyes to seeing that being healthy goes beyond just exercising and eating right.”


For her major, she studied everything from exercise science and public health administration 心理学和社会学. Outside the classroom, she did an internship with a physical therapy rehabilitation program for cardiac patients.

After graduating, she moved to the Chattanooga, Tennessee, area as a health and nutrition coach. Then she joined a physiotherapy clinic, helping physical therapists with client 运动项目.

She hoped eventually to transition into a public health position. “我想是少校 that I picked was a way to broaden your horizons into the world of health and give you an overall 教育 that you can take in multiple directions,” she said, “which 我已经做过了.

“With my classes and everything I was involved in at South, I feel like I was set 准备成功.”


  • Coursework can cover personal and community health, nutrition, safety 教育, human anatomy and physiology, drug 教育, psychology, environmental science and sociology. 
  • Partnerships with the University athletics program and the Sun Belt Conference provide opportunities for students to explore potential careers in coaching, sport management, 还有公园和娱乐场所.
  • The program requires an internship or field experience. 实习机会包括 county health departments, hospitals, wellness facilities and other health-related 设置. Opportunities are also available to study abroad.



Dr. Caitlyn Hauff
Department of Health, Kinesiology and Sport
(251) 460-7698
